40 Best SaaS Management Platforms for 2024

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January 1, 2024
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Did you know that a company uses 300 SaaS applications on average in 2024? Furthermore, CloudEagle’s SaaS spend report identified that SaaS spend is the third-biggest spend in an organization, next to employee and office lease spend.

These metrics prove the extent of SaaS adoption. You use SaaS applications as they are easier to purchase and are more scalable and flexible than legacy software. But most organizations miss out on a crucial factor: SaaS management.

However, we know you’re aware of the risks of unmanaged SaaS and are looking for the best SaaS management platform to manage your SaaS apps and optimize your spend effectively.

With plenty of available options, finding the right tool can be challenging. This article features 40 of the best SaaS management platforms to help you choose the software that best fits your needs.

What are SaaS management platforms?

SaaS management platforms, or SMPs, are cloud-based software designed to help you manage SaaS applications used by your teams and optimize SaaS spending.  

Gone are the days when you had to rely on spreadsheets and decade-old apps to keep track of your application portfolio.

Poor SaaS management practices lead to uncontrolled spend escalations, SaaS sprawl, shadow IT, and missed renewals. All these hassles will result in budget overruns and poor ROI.

But that's not the case anymore. You can now easily manage your SaaS portfolio using centralized SaaS application management platforms.

In addition to complete SaaS visibility, you can use SMPs to manage your SaaS contracts, rationalize your apps, optimize your spend, manage SaaS licenses, automate complex tasks like procurement and renewals, and ensure that your SaaS portfolio stays optimized.

How do I select SaaS management software?

There are hundreds of SaaS applications on the market, each with its own set of features, costs, and uses. Here are some of the factors that you must look for to select the right SaaS management software:

Use these functionalities as your SaaS management checklist to select the best platform. To save you time, we have a list of our own to simplify the selection process.

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Top 40 SaaS Management platforms for 2023

1. CloudEagle

CloudEagle dashboard

CloudEagle is considered one of the best SaaS management platforms for managing SaaS applications. What makes this powerful SaaS management and procurement platform unique is that it offers both platform + services.

You can manage your stack, optimize spend and streamline procurement with workflows using the CloudEagle platform. You can seek assistance from its SaaS buying experts to efficiently negotiate with vendors and secure the best deals.

It can provide 100% SaaS visibility, accurate usage and granular spend insights for effective cost optimization. The platform aids in license management, shadow IT prevention and automated user onboarding and offboarding.

Additionally, it ensures timely renewals through streamlined workflows and enhances efficiency for procurement teams with automated procurement workflows.

CloudEagle follows the "3S" principle to help businesses control SaaS sprawl.

See your apps - Get 100% visibility into your SaaS stack, track app usage insights, easily identify underused, duplicate, and hidden apps, and keep shadow IT under control.

Save on SaaS spend: Use our accurate price benchmarking data to empower your procurement team during SaaS contract negotiations. We’ll also assign expert negotiators to engage with vendors on your behalf and minimize your SaaS costs using pre-negotiated discounts.

Procurement automation workflow in a SaaS management platform

Streamline procurement

Dynamic procurement workflows are available to automate your procurement process. Your procurement team can save time and focus on critical tasks rather than chasing approvals.

Let’s briefly summarize CloudEagle's features.

App discovery

CloudEagle doesn’t just discover apps in your portfolio and organize them in a dashboard as other platforms do. Thanks to its 300+ integrations including browser extensions, SSO, HRIS, and finance integrations, more than a bird’s eye view of your stack, it can provide accurate data on license usage, spending and vendor data.

Shadow IT alerts

Users purchasing applications without IT approval is called shadow IT. It increases the number of duplicate apps in your system and leads to SaaS sprawl. You can proactively prevent this by configuring shadow IT alerts.

Next time, when an employee purchases an unsanctioned application and accesses it using the SSO, you’ll receive instant alerts. You can then email the user, question them about this unsanctioned purchase, and ensure your stack is optimized and free from security risks.

Cost optimization

Unused, duplicate, and hidden apps will lead to SaaS sprawl and increase your spend. Get complete visibility on their applications and tend to these pitfalls immediately. Analyze the app usage insights and eliminate these redundant, low-usage applications.

Applicaiton cost optimization dashboard

Easily detect unused SaaS subscriptions and negotiate with vendors to optimize SaaS costs efficiently.

CloudEagle helped various companies utilize this feature to maximize its benefits. For example, when Aira required a cost-effective bug-tracking tool due to high JIRA licensing costs resulting from passive users.

CloudEagle compared options, leveraging insights from 10M reviews, and recommended Monday.com. This switch cut Aira's costs from $70,000 to $7,000, saving weeks of research time and enabling focus on strategic initiatives.

Read more about the Aira’s success story.

Contract management

When you use hundreds of SaaS tools, you’ll need to manage all contracts and invoices relevant to those applications. Contracts will likely get lost if you store them in inboxes or shared folders and track them using spreadsheets.

Contract management dashboard of a SaaS management platform

CloudEagle’s contract management module lets you manage all your contracts and invoices in one place. It is safe and has filters to help you easily retrieve them during negotiations or audits. ‍

To understand how organizations can benefit from these features, consider the success story of Oyster HR. They faced challenges with decentralized contract storage, resulting in lost contracts and missed renewals.

Spreadsheets couldn't adequately manage contract terms. CloudEagle provided a centralized solution, organizing contracts, extracting metadata, and creating renewal calendars.

Automated workflows

Procuring applications can be tedious when done manually. Requesters won’t be able to see the progress, and the purchase requests might get lost midway. Without workflows, procurement teams have to chase stakeholders for approvals, which is counterproductive as it is a repetitive process.

CloudEagle has automated procurement workflows to streamline the process. Once the request is raised, relevant stakeholders will be notified via Slack or email, and our platform will ensure that the requests are approved on time.

Image showing CloudEagle's procurement workflow

Workflows will provide 100% visibility over the process. You can see the progress in real-time and check the status of the requests as they move through the various stages. Visibility increases accountability and expedites the procurement process.

Here’s why procurement teams are choosing CloudEagle →

Slack for procurement

CloudEagle’s Slack integration enables you to handle procurement, app access requests, and renewals directly from Slack. Users can raise purchase requests; stakeholders will be notified in Slack, and they can deny or approve the requests right away. There is no need to visit the platform.

Image showing CloudEagle's Slack workflow

You have the option to create a private Slack channel for every purchase request, app access request, or renewal so you can collaborate with your team and make the right decisions.

With CloudEagle, you can use Slack for more than just sending messages.

Assisted buyers

Do you have a lean procurement team that lacks the time and bandwidth to handle vendor negotiations? You can seek assistance from our SaaS buying experts. They will work as an extended part of your team, conducting market research, analyzing your usage data, and providing valuable insights to help your team ace negotiations.

Image showing CloudEagle's assisted buying module

You can take the lead with insights from our SaaS buyers or let our experts handle your negotiations completely. The choice is yours. Our experts will leverage the latest benchmarking data and negotiate with vendors to purchase the right product at the same price your peers are paying.

Hiring and training an in-house negotiation team is expensive. The cost-effective alternative is to outsource your procurement process to CloudEagle, and we’ll ensure that your teams have the right tools for their tasks and keep your budget under control.

Renewal monitoring

Are you tired of contract auto-renewals and want to stay ahead of them? CloudEagle’s renewal workflows send reminders 30, 60, 90 days in advance. This will give you enough time to analyze usage patterns, verify your contract, and prepare a negotiation plan.

Image of SaaS renewal workflow

Not just alerts; it will escalate the process to various stakeholders when no action is taken. You can also set auto-triggers for workflows to avoid manual effort and set renewal opt-out dates if you want to terminate the contract.

Just like procurement, you’ll receive renewal alerts in Slack. You can renew or terminate the contract, collaborate with your team, and make the right decision from Slack.

It will assign dedicated managers to keep track of your renewal and remind you periodically until the renewal is paid. The workflow stops only after you pay the renewal—it works more like renewal guidance than renewal monitoring.

Check out how Pratibha Mehta and her team at Falkonry streamlined SaaS renewals using CloudEagle:

Vendor management

Managing software vendors should not be overlooked, as they are more like your business partners. Maintaining a healthy relationship with software vendors is essential, and CloudEagle will let you do that using its extensive feature stack.

Before starting your negotiation, perform vendor research and get intrinsic details about them so you can start on the right foot. Manage all your vendors and their contracts in one place; get detailed app usage insights so you can leverage them during negotiations.

Vendor management is more than just organizing all your vendors in one place; it also refers to managing the entire vendor lifecycle. CloudEagle is the only SaaS management software that allows you to do so easily.

Vendor research

Why visit external websites like G2, Capterra, etc to read reviews or research on vendors? Everything is embedded in CloudEagle, and you can perform detailed vendor research within the platform.

Image of CloudEagle's vendor research platform

Read relevant reviews from Google, Cpaterra, etc, compare vendor features and prices side-by-side, connect with your peers regarding the vendor price, and select the suitable vendor.

Our AI-powered vendor recommendation engine will suggest the right platforms based on your pain point. You don’t have to use complex industry jargon; just name your requirements and pain points, and CloudEagle will recommend relevant applications with reviews, ratings, etc.

License harvesting

What do you do with unused licenses? Does your IT team manually visit each application and deprovision users for low usage and harvest licenses? This manual process can be overwhelming for your team.

CloudEagle can directly integrate with 300+ applications; this enables our platform to see purchased and provisioned licenses. It can also track the use of those licenses.

Image showing license harvesting

So, configure license reclamation workflows to automatically deprovision users from licenses when usage is low and harvest them for the next use. Or you can collect the unused licenses and right-size them during renegotiations.

Automated user provisioning and deprovisioning

Why go through the struggle of visiting each application to provision and deprovision users from apps? CloudEalge readily integrates with your SSO and HRIS systems and organizes all the users in one place.

Image showing CloudEagle's auto-provisioning rule

You can use the auto-provisioning rules to suggest the right apps to users based on their departments and deprovision users with a click when they quit. Let your IT and HR teams save time and focus on their strategic tasks by automating employee onboarding and offboarding.


CloudEagle has 43 types of custom reports to help you get comprehensive data on users, spending, usage data, department-wise spend, spend by entities and cost centers, and so on.

Image showing CloudEagle's custom reports feature

If you want historical data for SaaS budget forecasting, M&A due diligence, financial review, board meetings, etc., you can utilize the reports and fetch all the relevant data.


1. Starter - $2000/month

2. Growth - $3000/month

3. Enterprise - $4000/month

2. Vendr

Vendr dashboard

Vendr is a SaaS management software focusing on app management and SaaS procurement. Thanks to its powerful recommendation tools, you can find the right app for your business, raise requests, and purchase the application within minutes.

It is one of the most sophisticated platforms, serving multiple teams from IT, finance, procurement, department heads, security, and sales.

This cloud software simplifies purchasing using accurate insights from thousands of software transactions to help businesses make decisions quickly. Vendr’s expert team will empower you with accurate insights, so you can nail your negotiation process and purchase the right SaaS application.

You can build a streamlined buying process using workflow automation with the help of their in-house procurement experts. Vendr provides a complete view of your SaaS stack, app purchases, renewals, and shadow spending. Get accurate updates on SaaS pricing, deals, and new apps worldwide before your competitors do.


The starter plan is priced at $36,000 per year.

3. Productiv

Banner of a SaaS management platform, Productiv

Powered by SaaS Intelligence™, Productiv is more than just a SaaS management platform. You can get detailed insights and data on your SaaS portfolio, not just the app login activity that most platforms provide.

Productiv will help you gain the most value from your SaaS stack with the help of SaaS Intelligence™. It’ll help you leverage data and combine IT, procurement, finance, and business leaders to manage your SaaS stack, streamline your operations, and optimize SaaS costs across applications.

With Productiv, you can save up to 35% on your expenses using spend optimization insights. View all your app usage and spend data in one place—you can also get specific spend data based on the app, vendor, and employee.

Automation workflows are available for the license management process, and you can get instant renewal alerts, so you can always have the upper hand during negotiations. Save time by automating repetitive and mundane provisioning and payment tasks using Productiv.


Schedule a demo to learn more about pricing.

4. Sastrify

Sastrify banner

Sastrify is known for its dynamic automation workflows, providing a centralized view of your entire software stack.

Sastrify is suitable for procurement teams, CEOs, CTOs, and procurement leaders looking to streamline their procurement and minimize their SaaS costs—Sastrify believes they can reduce 35% of SaaS spend for organizations.

It will keep your team operating without bottlenecks with the help of automated workflows for procurement, renewal reminders, and more.

It has cultivated years of relationships with software vendors to get the best deals, and accurate pricing plans and save on your SaaS spend. You can use your procurement team, or Sastrify will assign dedicated procurement specialists to assist you in obtaining the best deals on SaaS apps before your competitors.


The starter plan is priced at $2,990 per month and $35,880 per year.

5. Zylo

Zylo banner

If you're looking for a SaaS management platform to manage your SaaS sprawl, Zylo is a fantastic option. Zylo leverages massive data and combines the latest technology with accurate price benchmarking and knowledge to ensure your SaaS investments don't go in vain.

With many certifications from G2, it is considered the primary choice of CIOs and CFOs for SaaS management. It leverages data gathered from managing $21 billion in SaaS spending, so you can readily compare your portfolio, stack, and pricing against your competitors and see where you stand.

Zylo is powered by smart technology and a huge volume of data that can drive impeccable growth for small businesses and enterprise-grade organizations.


Request a customized quote.

6. Spendflo

Logo of a SaaS management platform

Spendflo is a rapidly growing SaaS management platform that optimizes your SaaS portfolio and automates the tedious procurement process. If your business lacks a procurement team, then you seek the help of Spendflow’s expert buyers to negotiate on your behalf and procure suitable SaaS applications.

You can cancel your auto-renewals as Spendflo will manage your vendors and their respective renewal processes, so you’ll only pay for what your team uses. Get complete visibility into your procurement process, from raising requests to vendor negotiations.

Integrate Spendflo with your Slack and streamline your procurement process by fast-tracking requests and approvals. Save your time using automation workflows and focus on risk compliance tasks and security concerns, which are more essential than approving requests.


Customizable pricing plans based on your spend.

7. Procurify

Banner of procurify which is a SaaS management platform

If you’re looking for dedicated SaaS procurement software, Procurify is the right one. Its robust spend management solution provides visibility over your SaaS spend and helps the procurement and finance teams optimize it.

No more chasing approvals and operating the procurement process in the dark. Centralize the approvals, automate the procurement processes, and enhance your accounting systems by integrating with financial bookkeeping platforms.

You can run dynamic audits to see how your organization's money flows and get real-time insights into your budgets, spending, and vendors without breaking a sweat.

It is one of the most straightforward spend optimization tools if your needs are limited to financial management and procurement.


Contact the sales team for pricing details.

8. Torii

Torii banner

Torii can be considered the lite version of CloudEagle and Vendr, with key SaaS management features like app discovery, procurement, onboarding, and offboarding. Using Torii, you can quickly onboard your users to SaaS apps while reducing operational risks.

Every time a new employee joins your team, you don’t have to manually assign the user to their respective applications for work collaboration. Torii will automate your onboarding and offboarding processes, assign SaaS apps based on their team, and remove access in just a click when the employee quits.

Manage all your SaaS contracts and vendors in one place, and receive renewal notifications whenever a contract renewal closes. Scale the license management process with ease using Torii’s license recommendation engine.


Contact the team for pricing plans.

9. NachoNacho

NachoNacho website banner

NachoNacho is a robust SaaS management tool that lets you manage SaaS subscriptions from one place and save money with dynamic application cost optimization insights.

It is one of the few platforms on this list with straightforward features that can perfectly fit small to medium-sized businesses with 500–1000 employees. It is also a SaaS marketplace where companies can buy SaaS applications based on their requirements.  


A free trial for one month is available. Pricing starts at $5 per month.

10. BetterCloud

Dashboard of SaaS management platform

Boost your employee productivity, centralize your data, and increase operational efficiency using BetterCloud, the market leader in SaaS operations management. Monitor and eliminate security threats throughout your SaaS ecosystem and reduce data exposure caused by automated security policies.

BetterCloud was named G2’s best software for 2022. The best aspect of BetterCloud is its security and compliance features, which other platforms lack. Safeguard your systems against unwanted exposure and set up user roles and permissions effectively using BetterCloud.

Other key SaaS management features include app discovery, onboarding, offboarding, automated workflow, file security, etc. It is most suitable for IT and security teams within the organization.


For pricing, please contact the team.

11. Cledara

Cledara banner

Cledara is a popular SaaS subscription management platform for securely managing SaaS subscriptions. Are you using spreadsheets to track your invoice? Switch to Cledara now and automate your invoice collections and renewal payments.

It is probably one of the few SMPs that offers a purchase card, the Cledara Card. For every software subscription, you can earn points when you purchase it using the card and redeem the points for cash.

This cloud software best suits finance and IT teams; you can automate software purchases, manage management, and streamline your accounting using Cledara.


Starts at $104 per month. Pay annually and save 16%.

12. Zluri

Banner of Zluri

Zluri is a SaaS operations management software that focuses on reducing SaaS waste for businesses by helping them see 100% of their SaaS stack, automating tasks like procurement, onboarding, and offboarding, and securing their stack by eliminating compliance risks and duplicate and vulnerable SaaS applications.

It helps the IT, finance, and procurement teams optimize their SaaS apps and minimize SaaS costs and is suitable for businesses with 500+ employees.

Buying applications can be simplified with Zluri, thanks to its data intelligence and automation. You can automate the onboarding and offboarding process with Zluri and get the process done in a few clicks.


Contact the sales team for pricing details.

13. Coreview

Logo of a SaaS management platform

If Microsoft 365 powers your business ecosystem, CoreView is the SMP you need to manage, monitor, and run security audits on your stack.

Automate repetitive administrative tasks and license lifecycles, get complete control over your license costs, and manage your Microsoft Teams at scale using CoreView. It has automated monitoring and response capabilities to keep your system secure and can send instant alerts in the case of unusual errors.


Standard pricing starts at $20,000 per year.

14. Ampliphae

Ampliphae banner

Ampliphae is a SaaS security management solution that can discover shadow IT within your teams and eliminate the security risks from hidden SaaS usage.

Its SaaSGuard functionality helps keep your data secure by monitoring your organization's internal and external connections. It will notify you of any insecure connections, allowing you to eliminate them quickly and keep your ecosystem secure.

Suppose your ultimate goal is to get visibility over your SaaS applications and their connections and ensure data security and privacy compliance. In that case, Ampliphae is the right solution for your team.


Contact the team to learn about the pricing plans.

15. Basaas

Basaas banner and logo

Basaas centralizes your stack and brings all the applications you use into one place, allowing you to switch between them effortlessly. It can help you unify your team and tasks by connecting with the Microsoft To-Do Planner or Planner with Asana.

Create a digital hub for all your SaaS applications and increase your remote workforce’s productivity by helping them collaborate effortlessly. It is more suitable for managing and sharing SaaS apps within your team; it is more like a workforce management tool.

You can easily switch between accounts and SaaS applications, collaborate with your colleagues in a snap, and make data-driven decisions that contribute incrementally to your business growth.


It has a free trial available. The smart pricing plans start at $6.50 per month.

16. Cyclr

Logo if Cyclr

API integrations are necessary for a SaaS management platform to integrate and manage your SaaS tools effectively, and Cyclr can help you with them. Though SMPs come with custom integrations, your business can benefit from Cyclr’s native API integrations.

Remove friction between your applications, enable a seamless flow of data with 400+ connectors, and enhance your ecosystem with the scalable connectivity framework of Cyclr.


A free trial is available. The pricing starts at $999 per month.

17. Setyl

Setly logo and banner

Setyl is a robust SaaS management software that can effectively manage your IT assets, SaaS subscriptions, and licenses from one place. Assign dedicated admins to the vendor contracts in just a click and make license management a cakewalk with Setyl.

Track your SaaS spending in real time and create accurate reports to make budget projections and certain purchase decisions for your software assets. Get a 360-degree view of your SaaS stack and improve asset management and due diligence using Setyl.

It is an easy-to-use software asset management tool suitable for small and medium-sized businesses with 100 to 1000 employees. Easily integrate with your existing stack and start tracking the KPIs from the get-go.


Starts at $249 per month.

18. Binadox

Binadox logo and banner

Binadox, like Setyl, is a SaaS operations management software that assists businesses in reducing waste in their cloud services by effectively tracking cloud usage data and spend. Binadox offers AI-based cost optimization recommendations to optimize your cloud costs.

This is one of the few SaaS management tools that offers robust data visualization insights and integrative reports by combining present and historical data that’ll assist in making better managerial decisions.

Binadox lets you track your software assets, licenses, terms, and services from your SaaS vendors in a single window.


The starter plan is priced at $99 per month.

19. TropicApp

TropicApp banner from website

Do you want to streamline your procurement process as Fortune 500 companies do? Using TropicApp, you can simplify your purchasing process and get the best deals from apps. This TropicApp is the right SaaS procurement solution for your business's needs.

This SaaS management tool suits IT, procurement, and finance teams to achieve effective SaaS app management, a seamless procurement process, and spend optimization.

You can easily discover SaaS apps, automate the approvals, and manage all your SaaS contracts from one place using this tool, and the best part is their end-to-end procurement process feature. You can relax while TropicApp experts will do the work for you.


Customizable pricing based on your annual spend.

20. Applogie

Applogie banner

Applogie is expense management software that can help you get the most out of your SaaS investments. Get detailed insights into your SaaS subscriptions, control expenses, and save money and time using Applogie.

It has an extensive database that'll reveal all your subscriptions, provide optimization insights, and guide you to where you can save money. You can empower your negotiation team with these insights and confidently negotiate with the vendors, acquire the right pricing plans, and control your wastage.

Get expert support based on your subscription management requirements and streamline your business operations.


Starts at $100 per user per month.

21. Apptio SaaS insights

Apptio SaaS insights and banner

Apptio helps simplify your SaaS portfolio management by effectively managing SaaS apps and tracking your tech portfolio. Your team can make data-driven investment decisions using Apptio and save on your SaaS spend without impacting your business process.

ApptioOneMX, CloudabilityMX, and TargetProcess are some of the SaaS management solutions offered by Apptio for effective SaaS app management and spend optimization purposes. You can easily identify and eliminate SaaS sprawl due to duplicate, underused, and hidden applications and reduce their risks.

Get detailed spend data based on users, departments, and licenses; this data can be leveraged during negotiation. Apptio lets you maximize precise planning, budgeting, and projection systems while comparing against competitors to achieve continual optimization.


For pricing, please contact the team.

22. Sailpoint

SailPoint banner and logo

SailPoint is unlike any other SaaS management tool in this list; it is an identity security platform that secures the ecosystem of modern businesses. An ecosystem filled with complex SaaS applications will have sensitive data; securing this data is crucial, and that's where SailPoint comes in.

Manage and control user access to essential applications in one place. Security teams usually keep track of these in spreadsheets or legacy applications, but SailPoint is a cloud-based AI platform that streamlines these processes with its robust features.

Automated risk analysis and governance: SailPoint will automatically analyze users and their stack for vulnerabilities before granting access to critical applications. Keep your workplace secure and increase your productivity with SailPoint.


For pricing, please contact the team.

23. Improvado

Improvado banner

Improvado automates marketing analytics and is considered one of the best data extraction tools on the market. This tool can easily extract data from marketing tools with zero manual assistance.

Marketing is essential for increasing brand awareness, and tools like Improvado will make your marketer's life easier. Integrate your marketing tools with Improvado and gather all the insights within seconds. Let your marketers focus on analyzing the insights and deriving solutions rather than scraping the data.

Improvado is one of the best data management tools you can get your hands on, and that's why it made this list.


Contact the team and request pricing relevant to your needs.

24. Beamy

Beamy banner

Beamy is a SaaS management tool that focuses on centralizing SaaS applications. Most businesses have decentralized IT applications without control or management; this is one of the significant reasons shadow IT has gone beyond control in many organizations, and Beamy can help you streamline it.

Using robust automated workflows, Beamy assists in developing responsibility and governance among all important stakeholders (BUs, CISOs, DPOs, CIOs, and so on). It centralizes your SaaS portfolio in a single place to manage app usage, contract and license optimization, and risk mitigation.

Minimize compliance risks through centralization, govern your SaaS portfolio by assigning responsibilities, and achieve seamless collaboration through Beamy.


For pricing, please contact the team.

25. Augmentt

Augmentt banner

Augmentt lets you enhance SaaS app management by automating provisioning, simplifying user management, and increasing security compliance. It is a SaaS security management software that protects Office365 by alerting users to illegal sign-in attempts and compliance violations in real time.

It is more suitable for MSPs and IT teams to get the work done without exposing the system to security risks that come with multiple access points. Data is the essential fuel for cloud-based organizations, and Augmentt will help secure your data by storing it in secure inventory with limited access.

If you're looking for a robust access management system, Augmentt is the best choice to grant and revoke access at scale and keep your internal systems secure from threats.


Contact Augmentt’s sales expert to know the pricing.

26. LeanIX

LeanIX Banner

LeanIX is a fully automated SaaS management solution built to help companies get complete visibility over their SaaS portfolios by integrating with enterprise systems. The most underrated feature of LeanIX is the Import API, which lets you extract SaaS data from any source into LeanIX.

Using LeanIX, centralize your SaaS contracts with drill-down functionality and get detailed SaaS spend data to plan your budgets effectively. Track the applications in your SaaS portfolio and ensure they comply with GDPR, SOC 2, and more to keep your system secure.

Mitigate security risks, prevent unauthorized access to your applications, and take your SaaS management process to the next level using LeanIX.


Contact the team to know the pricing.

27. Flexera One

Image of Flexera

Flexera One is a cloud software built to mitigate, optimize, and reduce SaaS spend for businesses through detailed optimization insights. Enhance your negotiation process by getting a bird's-eye view of your SaaS applications and usage data.

Centralize all your SaaS subscriptions and manage SaaS renewals effectively. Never miss a renewal; Flexera One will alert you as renewals close so that you can pay them on time.

Optimize cloud spending and get accurate estimates for your software spend by eliminating underused and duplicate SaaS apps in your ecosystem. Get complete control over your IT assets in one place using Flexera One.


Contact the team to know the pricing.

28. Snow

Snow logo

Snow uses cutting-edge technology and intelligence to help businesses increase their value. Adapt your business to the ever-changing market by leveraging Snow's technological intelligence. Stop squandering your SaaS investment by optimizing SaaS spend with a powerful SaaS management solution.

It combines software asset management, cloud management, and a SaaS app management platform. Snow allows you to seamlessly integrate with your enterprise systems to accomplish application cost optimization and risk mitigation.


Contact the team to know the pricing.

29. Scalue

Logo of a platform called Scalue

Scalue is a procurement analytics and one of the best SaaS management tools that provides specific vendors and needed data to help your procurement team easily make purchase choices. Get control of maverick buying and the risks associated with it.

Scalue will reveal your overall spending. Using Scalue, you can quickly optimize negotiations and achieve cost efficiency by extracting all organized, classified, and aggregated procurement data within seconds.

Analyze direct and indirect spend on contracts, invoices, payments, and material costs and optimize them to increase ROI using Scalue.


Contact the team for estimates.

30. Frontegg

Frontegg logo

Frontegg is a user management tool designed to meet complex business requirements through various funnels and GTM strategies. Accelerate your business faster and scale to greater heights without worrying about your security. Frontegg will ensure all the necessary compliance and secure your ecosystem from threats and vulnerabilities.

Frontegg consistently ensures the safety of its information security management system, so you can relax; your data will be safe with Frontegg. Track your users' activities from a single dashboard and make data-driven decisions without relying on other apps.


A free plan is available. Pricing plans start at $99 per month.

31. AssetSonar

Assetsonar logo

AssetSonar is a powerful IT asset management software that lets you track and manage your entire IT inventory from one place. Easily onboard and offboard your employees, assign the right IT assets to them automatically, and revoke access within seconds during offboarding.

AssetSonar has built-in Zendesk and Jira integrations to manage IT assets, service requests, and tickets. Set automated alerts and proactively manage license renewals. Easily detail unused and underused licenses and optimize them.

A configuration management database is available to help you get a consolidated view of your IT dependencies and mitigate problems using AssetSonar. Get complete visibility into your assets using endpoint integrations like Microsoft Intune, JCCM, Jamf, and Google Endpoint Manager.


A free trial is available. Pricing starts at $69.99 per month for 100 users and 1 admin.

32. Intello

Intello banner

Intello is one of the best SaaS management tools with straightforward pricing plans. It offers browser extensions that give businesses a bird's-eye view of their SaaS portfolio. Integrating Intello with your existing cloud software allows you to find SaaS apps, manage them, and improve vendors.


The starter plan is priced at $500 per month.

33. Substly

Substly logo

Substly is a SaaS subscription management platform suitable for small and medium-sized businesses that want to take control of their digital subscriptions. Get intrinsic details on your spending per person and alert the relevant DRIs before renewing using Substly.

Get utilization insights and manage all your subscriptions in one place automatically. Also, Substly is one of the affordable SaaS management tools on this list.


Starts at €3 per employee, billed annually.

34. Eracent

Eracent logo and banner

Manage software licenses and IT assets effortlessly using Eracent. Minimize audit and security risks and enhance asset management processes easily with Eracent. It is one of the most comprehensive SaaS management solutions, with a plethora of software and license management functionalities and optimization capabilities.

It has automated AI discovery bots that display application usage data, performance, and other intrinsic details relevant to the software. Eracent is enterprise-grade SaaS management software suitable for businesses with over 1000 employees dealing with heaps of data.


Contact the team to learn more about the pricing.

35. CloudFX

CloudFX logo and banner

CloudFX is a popular SaaS management solution that delivers a unique ITaaS experience. This platform will help scale your business by minimizing operational costs and generating a better ROI.

Manage all your SaaS stack at one centralized location, automatically provision and deprovision SaaS apps, and promote a collaborative workplace where employees can access the apps easily and be more productive.

CloudFX is well-known for its active control and monitoring of all business SaaS application purchases, employee onboarding, licensing, renewal alerts, and offboarding.

It combines cloud management, a digital marketplace, and a SaaS management software.


For pricing, please contact the team.

36. Quolum

Quolum logo and banner

Quolum is one of the best SaaS management tools that makes SaaS buying easy. It will handle all the heavy lifting while you and your team focus on running your core business. It helps the IT, finance, and procurement teams to effectively manage applications, control spend wastage, and streamline the procurement process.

The best aspect of this tool is the Quolum expense card, which makes SaaS buying more straightforward. Manage recurring expenses, renewals, and product trials easily using the #1 expense card explicitly built for SaaS buying.


A free version is available. Contact the team to learn about the pricing plans.

37. Genuity

Genuity banner

Genuity is a SaaS contract management tool that lets you completely control vendor contracts, costs, and IT assets. You can maintain track of and command over your vendor spending using Genuity. This software asset management tool will help improve audits and compliance and detect unused software that is wasting money.

Optimize your SaaS spend with Genuity and take advantage of your IT marketplace, where you can find the right software to fit your business needs.


Free for the first 30 days. Pricing starts at $29.99 per month.

38. G2Track

G2Track logo

There are no strangers to G2, a popular review platform. But did you know they had one of the most straightforward SaaS management platforms too? Yes, G2Track is an SMP that gives you complete visibility over your SaaS portfolio and optimizes your SaaS spend.

Manage your contracts and security compliance effortlessly, get complete control over your SaaS licenses, and gather detailed insights for better budget forecasting using G2Track.


A free version is available. The Pro version starts at $300 per month.

39. CloudM

CloudM logo

CloudM is a SaaS management tool that makes software management easy and gives you a consolidated view in one place. Automate Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace using CloudM. Onboard and offboard users both boost your productivity.

CloudM's broad features and workflow automation will reduce expenses, increase accuracy, and centralize your contracts and licenses. Automate and manage your productivity suite from one place using CloudM.


Contact the team for pricing details.

40. Lumos

Lumos banner

Unlike any other comprehensive SaaS management platforms that promise to save SaaS spend, Lumos focuses on increasing productivity, security compliance, and cost optimization. App visibility, automated onboarding, approvals, managing licenses, preventing shadow IT, and eliminating unused licenses are some of the features of Lumos.


To learn more about the pricing, please contact the team.

Wrapping up

Reducing SaaS expenses and getting complete control over your SaaS contracts and licenses is necessary to scale your business. You need to use the best SaaS management tool capable of automating repetitive tasks and doing the heavy lifting for you.

Amidst the ocean of SMPs, we wanted to show the best SaaS management platforms that'll bring the transformation your business needs. CloudEagle, Vendor, Zluri, CloudFX, and Zylo are some SaaS app management leaders you can benefit from.  

However, before you select the right SMP, you must understand how to select the right one. here is what you need to know before making a decision.

So, what's it going to be?

Did we miss any comprehensive SaaS management platforms that deserved to be on the list? Let us know.

Frequently asked questions

1. Why do you need a SaaS management platform?

On average, a business uses more than 100 applications to run its business operations. SMPs will give visibility over those applications by tracking app usage data and spend. These data will help the business optimize its SaaS stack, negotiate better and increase its ROI.

2. How many SaaS apps can I use for my business?

There is no limit on the SaaS apps you should be using. Depending on the size of your business, your customer base, your budget, and the needs of your team, you can use as much as the SaaS app you want. But be mindful to keep your SaaS portfolio under control using SaaS management solutions.

Written by
Joel Platini
Content Writer and Marketer, CloudEagle
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