7 Sastrify Alternatives and Competitors

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February 3, 2024
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As your organization grows, so does the need for efficient SaaS solutions. Managing renewals, streamlining procurement, and optimizing spend efficiently can be challenging. With so many moving parts, it's easy to lose control. Sastrify acts as a beacon for organizations looking for procurement and renewal solutions.

However, every platform has its pitfalls, and Sastrify is no exception. Despite numerous integrations, shadow IT risks can still slip through the cracks. This might require additional clarity and communication across departments to ensure everyone's on the same page.

Sastrify tries its best to identify SaaS activities ad hoc, but it still cannot prevent them. Moreover, manual integration is necessary for SaaS purchases, making it difficult for users to balance apps and budgets.

Fortunately, various Sastify alternatives are on the market with superior features and cost-effective pricing plans. This blog will list the top 7 Sastrify alternatives and competitors to help you optimize your entire SaaS landscape.

1. CloudEagle

CloudEagle stands out as a viable alternative to Sastrify, offering robust features to optimize and streamline your entire SaaS lifecycle. In contrast to Sastrify, CloudEagle distinguishes itself by providing simple and cost-effective pricing for enterprises of all sizes, with no hidden costs or unnecessary add-ons.

CloudEagle promises potential savings and assures organizations of any size that they can efficiently optimize their SaaS buying/spending, breaking away from limitations sometimes imposed by enterprise-focused platforms such as Sastrify.

While Sastrify focuses exclusively on SaaS spend management and procurement, CloudEagle specializes in SaaS management, license and renewal management, spend management, and user and vendor management. In addition, CloudEagle also has workflows for procurement, renewals, license reclamation, provisioning, and deprovisioning.

It is a popular SaaS management and procurement software offering platform and SaaS buying services to help you streamline procurement and ace vendor negotiations.

Key Features:

App Discovery: CloudEagle integrates with your internal SSO, financial, and HRIS systems to provide complete app visibility. IT professionals can avoid shadow IT by receiving automatic alerts when unutilized apps are discovered.

SaaS Spend Management: CloudEagle offers complete insights into SaaS costs, usage, and licenses. Direct integrations will provide accurate usage insights, which can be leveraged to optimize your spend by right-sizing licenses. It is a single source of truth for all your spending.

Contract Management: Avoid losing sensitive documents in shared folders and employee inboxes. Centralize them in one secured storage and use filters to easily retrieve them during negotiations and audits.

Image of CloudEagle's contract management module

Renewal Monitoring: CloudEagle uses a proactive approach to keep ahead of SaaS license renewals. It creates a renewal calendar based on contract details and sends reminders 90 days before deadlines, allowing for more efficient negotiation preparation. You’ll never miss renewals again.

Assisted buying: CloudEagle's expert negotiators are available to handle your contract negotiation process. They will analyze your requirements and your team’s usage data, conduct market research, and ensure you purchase the right product at the right price.

Read the inspiring success story of Nowports. They opted for assisted buying services, and CloudEagle helped streamline their SaaS procurement process.

As a result, they realized a 34% savings on spending by centralizing contracts and securing timely renewals.

Automated workflows: CloudEagle's no-code procurement procedures enhance transparency, minimize bottlenecks, and save time in procurement processes. Stakeholders are alerted via Slack and email, encouraging collaboration and expediting the purchase process.

Slack Integration for Procurement: This integration lets you raise purchase requests quickly and directly via Slack. Dedicated private channels can be created for collaborative decision-making, which speeds up the procurement process and improves communication among parties.

You can also handle your renewals and decide whether to renew or not renew the contract through Slack.

Image of CloudEagle's module

Vendor Research: CloudEagle's AI-powered vendor recommendation system facilitates extensive research within the platform. It compares prices, features, and reviews, allowing you to make more informed decisions without significant external research.

Cost Optimization: CloudEagle can quickly identify your system's free, duplicate, and redundant apps. You can analyze the usage and make the right cost-optimization decisions to save on spend.

Automated user provisioning and deprovisioning: CloudEagle enables you to grant and revoke access to applications without having to access each one individually. Provisioning and de-provisioning workflows are available to automate the process.

It’ll automatically suggest the right applications based on the user's role and department and deprovision the user when they leave.

If you want to know if this feature is beneficial or not, listen to what Alice Park at Remediant has to say. She explained how she streamlined onboarding and offboarding using auto-provisioning and deprovisioning workflows with CloudEagle.

Additional features

  • Extensive SaaS application catalog
  • Pre-negotiated vendor discounts
  • Custom fields
  • Create procurement workflows for any type of purchases
  • SaaS marketplace
  • Latest pricing benchmarks
  • Quickest onboarding in the industry.


CloudEagle has three transparent, cost-effective pricing plans with no hidden charges, such as support fees and integration costs, and offers more functionalities than Torii.

1. Starter - $2000/month

2. Growth - $3000/month

3. Enterprise - $4000/month

2. BetterCloud

BetterCloud is a SaaS management platform, notably assisting IT and financial departments with SaaS administration. It distinguishes itself by giving detailed insights into current SaaS applications, aiding with cost optimization, and assuring data protection.

Image of BetterCloud homepage

Key Features:

SaaS App Discovery: BetterCloud helps your IT staff discover all SaaS apps within your organization. This complete visibility helps the finance team understand paid applications and avoid excessive costs.

Automated IT Processes: The software automates manual IT tasks, including onboarding and offboarding. This improves IT team efficiency and helps maximize Return on Investment (ROI) by reducing time and resources.

License Reclamation: BetterCloud simplifies license reclaim and migration for those leaving. This functionality guarantees that your finance staff can effectively manage licenses, lowering SaaS costs.

Threat Monitoring and Remediation: Prioritize data security by monitoring and remediating threats. BetterCloud detects possible vulnerabilities and automatically resolves issues, removing the need for third-party security investments and optimizing SaaS expenses.

Data Security: BetterCloud's user-friendly UI complements its powerful security safeguards. However, occasional issues with speed and navigation may influence the user experience.


Contact the team to know more about the pricing.

3. Spendesk

Tailored for hands-on software spending tracking across departments and teams. Spend Desk is a comprehensive software platform offering end-to-end solutions from procurement to payment. Businesses that use Spend Desk gain a competitive advantage by optimizing expenditure, lowering costs, and improving overall financial performance.

Image of Spendesk dashboard

Key Features:

  • Streamlined Procurement: Spend Desk streamlines procurement by providing solutions for managing supplier information, conducting fast bid processes, and creating seamless purchase orders. This results in a structured and effective procurement procedure.
  • Effortless expense Management: Spend Desk streamlines expenditure management with extensive monitoring, approval management, and streamlined reporting. Integration with corporate credit cards increases productivity and provides a holistic approach to financial tracking.
  • Real-time Budgeting and Forecasting: Spend Desk enables real-time budget tracking and forecasting, providing enterprises with valuable insights. This feature allows businesses to make more educated spending decisions and adjust budgets as needed in dynamic business settings.
  • Improved Team cooperation: Spend Desk enables smooth collaboration between teams and departments. It guarantees that all stakeholders have access to essential spending information, resulting in improved communication and collaboration when controlling expenditure.
  • Comprehensive Financial Insights: Spend Desk offers a consolidated platform for financial visibility, allowing businesses to gain complete insights into their spending patterns. This function is critical for strategic decision-making since it will enable businesses to align their expenditures with corporate goals.


Spendesk provides a tiered pricing model. The Team Plan starts at $9/month per user for small companies, while the Company Plan, suited for medium-sized businesses, starts at $18/month per user. Larger companies can select the Custom Plan, which includes tailored pricing, improved features, and a dedicated account manager.

4. Zylo

Zylo emerges as a dominant player, providing a comprehensive solution that provides a clear overview of your SaaS landscape. Zylo enables firms to make educated decisions and optimize their SaaS expenditure by efficiently eliminating excessive spending and managing licenses.

Image of Zylo's dashboard

Key features:

Seamless Application Integration: Zylo works smoothly with Okta and AzureAD to get vital app use statistics. This enables IT departments to detect and stop non-essential apps, thereby decreasing total SaaS expenses.

Audit-Driven Insights: Zylo's SaaS expenditure management team conducts regular audits to provide tailored reports on the organization's SaaS licenses. These insights assist finance teams in improving license allocation, ensuring that licenses are appropriately sized to suitable tiers, and avoiding excessive expenditures.

Comprehensive View of Technology Investments: Zylo offers a full perspective of a company's technology assets, including employee-owned and purchased software. This holistic approach enables firms to understand their technical landscape in-depth.

Centralized Repository for Contracts: Zylo provides a consolidated repository for software contracts, making tracking renewal dates and expenditures easier. This feature improves overall contract management efficiency.

Enabling Data-Driven Decision-Making: Zylo's extensive features give businesses data-driven decision-making skills. It provides insights into application utilization, allowing teams to detect duplicate tools and efficiently optimize software expenditures.


Contact the team to get a customized quote.

5. Torii

Torii stands out as a robust solution. It provides seamless integration and excellent spending control. Torii, a Sastrify alternative, specializes in connecting disparate sources, providing insightful analytics, and optimizing your business's software expenditures.

Image of Torii's dashboard

Let's take a look at five key features that distinguish Torii from other SaaS spend management platforms:

Seamless Integration: Torii seamlessly interfaces with various sources, including ERP and HRIS. This creates a consolidated platform for monitoring and managing SaaS subscriptions.

ROI Assessment: Analyze ROI by analyzing licensing costs and user adoption indicators. Thereby enabling educated software subscription decisions.

Real-time alerts: Get notifications and alerts for expiring contracts and unused subscriptions. This helps to optimize SaaS expenditure and save wasteful costs.

Departed Employee License Management: Easily track, recover, or reallocate licenses associated with departed workers, reducing costs.

Data-driven Analysis: Torii integrates with HRIS to provide a detailed analysis of SaaS spend. Thereby, it is classified by software type, business unit, and application owner. This allows for faster and more informed decision-making.


Torii offers tailored packages depending on each business's specific requirements. Prospective users can contact the Torii team for a specialized quote.

6. Flexera

Flexera One is a strong Sastrify alternative that provides full IT asset management for SaaS, containers, and clusters. It provides effective application inventory management and a comprehensive picture of the SaaS infrastructure. The software automates operations such as employee onboarding, increasing efficiency for IT and HR departments.

Image of Flexera dashboard

Key features:

App Insights: Analyze app use, discover underutilized apps, and optimize resource allocation to increase efficiency.

License and Compliance Management: Ensure compliance with legislation like GDPR and HIPAA by successfully managing licenses and renewals and lowering noncompliance risks.

Workflow Automation: Using configurable processes, you can streamline manual operations like renewals and onboarding, increasing operational efficiency and saving time.

Flexibility and Customization: Customize the platform to meet unique company requirements, including a highly adaptable and customizable user interface.

Granular Application Details: Gain extensive insights into application utilization to make better decisions and optimize resources more efficiently.


For a personalized quote, contact the Flexera One team.

7. Cledara

Cledara is a robust solution tailored specifically for IT enterprises and tech-focused service-based businesses. This unique SaaS management software streamlines subscription management by providing a single platform for simplified operations, administration, and cost-effective decision-making.

Image of Cledara

Key Features:

Holistic Subscription Management: Cledara offers a consolidated platform for organizations to manage their subscriptions, encompassing SaaS products and recurring costs. This centralized approach provides a comprehensive and organized view of the software ecosystem.

Automated Expense Tracking: Cledara streamlines financial management by categorizing expenses and providing a clear breakdown of software subscriptions. This feature improves financial transparency and control.

Proactive Budget Administration: Cledara enables businesses to design and monitor budgets for software subscriptions, sending timely notifications when spending exceeds limitations. This proactive budgeting feature reduces overspending and promotes fiscal discipline.

Regulatory Compliance Verification: Cledara provides a credible platform for verifying regulatory compliance. Businesses can simply access and manage all SaaS subscriptions in one location, ensuring seamless compliance with standards.

User-Friendly Interface: Cledara's user-friendly interface enables easy SaaS management for all team members. The intuitive design improves the overall user experience by reducing the learning curve and encouraging wider adoption across the business.


For pricing, Cledara has three broad categories, i.e., Get Started, Premium, and Pro. The Get Started plan is free for up to two subscriptions, followed by $200/month for Premium. For Pro, users must contact the team.


In conclusion, finding the best Sastrify alternative is essential for efficient SaaS and spend management.

The competitors and alternatives mentioned in this post provide more functionality than Sastrify, with CloudEagle standing out as a prominent SaaS procurement and spend management platform.

CloudEagle, powered by AI, ensures flawless SaaS management, distinguishing itself by its versatility, cost-effectiveness, and broad feature set, which includes extensive vendor research, assisted buying, and improved procurement procedures.

To see how CloudEagle can transform your SaaS management, schedule a demo now. Explore its comprehensive features to increase productivity and efficiency in your SaaS stack management and purchasing processes.

Written by
Vibhu Jain
Product Manager, CloudEagle
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