About Hubspot Integration

Integration with Hubspot allows you to get insights into Hubspot usage and spending, and manage your Hubspot users directly from CloudEagle.

To get started:

To get started, simply visit us at cloudeagle.ai/free-trial and sign up for a free trial.

Connecting to Hubspot

  1. Login to your CloudEagle instance with an admin account.
  2. Go to Admin Settings -> Direct Integrations. You will find the list of all the apps in your system and the ones which have direct integrations available will appear on the top with a connect button.
  3. Search for Hubspot.
  4. Click on the Connect button for Hubspot, and a new window with Hubspot login page will open.
  5. Log in to it using the admin account that will connect the app to your CloudEagle instance.You can select read or read+write permission to connect.
  6. Once the connection is established, the window will close automatically and the Sync now button will show for this app.
  7. Click the Sync now button to obtain the latest data for this app into CloudEagle.
  8. A notification will come as soon as the sync is complete.
  9. Once the sync is complete, you can go to the Hubspot  application page and see Usage and License Management data under the Direct Integration tab.
  10. User provisioning and de-provisioning can be managed in the Users section which you can find in the left-side menu.